Feb 1, 2025

Spotlight Story: Artist Jerry Locklair

It is very possible you have heard of this artist Jerry Locklair and his wife Dona
We in this area are so proud of the local talent!

The Locklairs and I did a craft show a few years back
It was an honor to meet these two talented artists.
When it was over they gifted me with  the above print 'Washday'
It is truly special and in fact the house in the picture reminds me of
Grandma Cora's home I did a few posts 

Over at dolly's designs

I have since purchased many more of their prints
They each tell a story and all are with his family in mind yet they remind me of my family as well growing up with two sets of farmer grandparents 

Top left: Jerry's Father in the print called Milkin 

Top right:  Jerry's Mother Gathering Eggs

Bottom left Going Home Family after shopping Jerry's sons in overalls 

Bottom right  Puttin In The tobacco barn was his grandfather's built in 1918


Tanglewood Plantation
I own this print as well, but need to frame it
All of their work is beautiful

You can see more on the website:  Art Prints by Dona and Jerry Locklair

I mentioned earlier that the Locklairs and I did a craft show 
We had connecting booths
I so enjoyed hearing him tell of his paintings and the history behind them
He was very entertaining

Jerry's most recent thoughts in his own words.

 Believe it or not, the very first real painting that I ever painted was this oil abstract, that I painted from a dream!  I awakened at 2:10 AM, sometime in late 1964, and I took a pencil and paper and drew out my artwork dream!  

I dreamed it in color, so I noted the different colors on my drawing, on the piece of paper!  

   My sister Linda was already creating artwork with oils, and when I told her of my dream, and I showed her my drawing, she gave me some old tubes of paint that she wasn’t using!  I bought a canvas and a couple of brushes and a bottle of paint medium, at Carolina Paint and Wallpaper, and art store, in the old Florence Mall, and I went to work painting!  

   I was pleased with how well I recorded my dream, and my Mother just loved it!  I showed it to different people, and everyone was amazed over my painting, that I named “Thither”!  This encouraged me to paint additional abstracts with no art lessons ever.  

   My Mom suggested to me to take it to the old Florence Museum and enter it into their annual art contest!  I was totally surprised that my painting was accepted to hang in their annual Art Show.  I actually achieved a placing, and a yellow ribbon for my entry!  I exhibited my work with the established artists of Florence!  

   When the reception was held on a Sunday, I was really surprised to see my former Lynchburg schoolteacher Mrs. Cora Smith, at the show.  She was so proud of my artwork, that she introduced me to all of her art friends that were in attendance!  My Mom was with me.  

   I still have that very first painting!  It is stored upstairs in my art gallery, along with dozens of antique paintings that I have collected over the years, many by famous 1700’s and 1800’s artists, from a number of countries from Europe, and America!  

  Nine years after painting this painting, I enrolled into art classes at the Ringling College of Art, in Sarasota, Florida, where I met my soon to be wife Dona, on my first visit to the college on January 6th. 1973, before classes started.  We were married on January 1st. 1974, 51 years ago, next Wednesday!  She stepped into “Glory” on June 7th. 2017, and met Jesus Face to Face, that day.  

Dona and Jerry Locklair

Mrs. Cora Smith gave me the first one of my collection, that she purchased in 1962, directly from the famous Spanish Artist in Spain.  That painting hangs in my den right now. 

Shown below

Professional Spanish Artist 
Pallet knife oil painting

   Odd thing, I never painted abstracts after that.  Dona and I were both realist, in our long art career for over 40 years painting together. Now you know the rest of the story!

Thank you Jerry Locklair

For your beautiful artwork


For the delightful history behind each

You are quite the storyteller!

The Art of Dona and Jerry Locklair

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