Sep 30, 2015

Touring Texas: Jimmie Ray & Susie's Farm Part One

Jimmie Ray and Susie
I call them my other brother/sister from another mother/father!

I'd like you to meet the people who made it possible for me to meet Mr. Wheeler, my dad's WWII war buddy.  Without them this wouldn't have been possible.  Susie I'm so glad you didn't give up the search and you've made us very happy! These are two of the most genuinely nice people you'd ever want to meet!
I got so carried away taking pictures and now find it hard to pick out the most favorite.  I know I have to do that so here goes!

Chuck talking with Mr. Jimmie Wheeler

I think I'd told you before that Chuck and I gained weight on this trip. This night was one of the reasons.  Jimmie Ray and Susie had us over to their home to eat and feast we did!  We had lots of delicious dishes and he even cooked some fish.  I love fish and we had pie!  Everything was wonderful!

Ms. Neta always smiling!

Jimmie Ray with Sheep Dog and Sheep

That dog was adorable and so was that sheep!  
He meant business with his herding.

Excuse video quality...I made it myself :)

I guess it's time to go for today but I'll be back with more fun pictures of their place.

Just in case you missed the other Texas Posts please click the links below

What are the Odds? The story of meeting my dad's WWII Army Buddy

Touring Texas:  Frontier Texas with Mr. Wheeler in his Howard Hughes Cadillac!

Touring Texas:  Meeting the Wheelers

Touring Texas:  Let's Go to Buffalo Gap

Touring Texas:  Jimmie Ray's Appaloosas


    1. Hi Dolly, I am finally back to blogging and visiting. How wonderful that the couple here made it possible for you to meet the man and his wife in Texas. How special that is--once in a lifetime sort of thing. Glad to be back - I have missed you. We will have to "catch up" one of these days- Love to you- Diana

      1. Hey Diana,
        It's so good to have you back and yes we do need to talk because I've missed you too! I've been visiting over at your blog anyway checking up on you. Yes, I am so grateful to them and for meeting their Dad. I will never forget them and I don't know who is more excited the WWII family members of the unit they were in or me.....I've heard from some there are very few living and they are thrilled to know that he is alive as well!
        Ok I look forward to hearing from you! Folks please pay Diana a visit to one of the best blogs out there...Nana Diana Takes A break!

    2. What a wonderful, chance of a lifetime trip this was. I'm so happy for you Dolly that you got to do this.

      1. Thank you Kim, I guess this blog is a journal for me at times posting good things and memories. Meeting great people like yourself are such a great advantage to blogging too and I'm thankful for it!
        A great friend and wonderful blogger Pay Kim a visit over at Snug Harbor Bay for a great time! I promise!
