May 21, 2021

This n That Spring 21


Posting random pictures today 

Fun simple times

A few bird feeders. You know online ordering can really be fun! (maybe too much fun) 😆

The birds are loving them!

We've seen Painted Buntings, Canaries, Finches, Cardinals, Wrens, Hummingbirds All sorts of beautiful birds

Dare I say the Mockingbirds are running off all they dislike! 

We love the songbirds!

In fact, these Chimney Sweeps are contemplating building a new nest! 

These birds make me feel like Snow White!

They come close to visit, fly through the porch lovingly singing, escort us in and out the driveway

They are very loveable birds!

Do I or don't I allow (they make such a mess)?  

I might as well.  

They aren't afraid of the blue ceiling so that goes out the window. (The less bird nest building idea).

  We'll see if they do indeed build.
Update:  Shortly after I took these pictures they moved on and did not build. I guess the blue is still keeping them away.

Chuck put up his flag pole

It is small but built for wind and if we have anything out in this open field it is wind! 

It's good to have a flag up and flying.

Where does the time go?

I've so enjoyed having these boys here!

New strawberry plants in the porch railing gardens

The sticks you see standing up are for the protection of plants from Little King Trash Mouth

The resident Tom Cat loves my window boxes!

Catie's brilliant idea actually and it is working!

Speaking of Trash Mouth, he has taken up a temporary spot 

A little household replacement that is soon to go

I know he'll be sad but he's enjoying it until it is gone!

It's hot and my gardening assistant Oskar is hard at work

We  I am trimming the dead and unruly branches of the Popcorn Tree

I'll have to soon do a post on this tree which is invasive they save but one my Mama gave me

Needless to say, it stays as long as it wants to here.

These roses have bloomed and bloomed this year!

The White Rose Garden

These especially never fail, but this year the blooms are going fast

The late frosts we had has caused some damage I believe

They're still beautiful!

Meanwhile in the Strawberry Patch

'Little One' is having to hurry and pick some strawberries before the dog beats him to them!

This was a daily fun thing to do for both of them!

New Additions to the Chicken Pen

We have a new Tractor Supply Coop (I'll review that one later)

New chicks that Gwen hatched for me are growing like weeds!

Holding my breath hoping they don't crow!

Wouldn't you know it!  

I trimmed a pear that has been in the ground for almost 7 years I believe.

It has never had fruit, well look here!  

See what I (this doofus 😏) cut off, the very first fruits!

Yeah, I could've kicked my own butt!

But aren't they pretty pears?  Ayers is the Variety!  

I'm excited to see next year's fruits now for sure!

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You probably remember the Miracle-Gro Harvest Elite Grower we have

I recently ordered an AeroGarden Seed Starting System, and I like it!

It now has three-inch tall Zinnia startings that are ready to put outside

They germinated almost immediately!

I recommend this featured attachment!

I'm going to be busy for sure!

Meanwhile, I've had a house full of boys and this is how we cook two pounds of thick-cut bacon!

Who am I kidding?  I love bacon!!!

I purposely didn't add the cooked because it would only make me go cook more on this day!


Have a great day!

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