Jan 1, 2023



New Beginnings

How Simple It Really Is

What Will You Do?

What Will You Be?

My Prayer, My Wish For You Is That You Be The Best You Can Be

In A World Full Of Anger Bring Peace

Bring Love 

Bring Happiness and Joy!

Live Your Best Life

Know Where Your Blessings Come From

Be Thankful and Share

You Are Wonderful, You Are Blessed, You Are One-Of-A-Kind

Be Purposeful

Work ~  Be Active

Rest ~ When Needed

Enjoy ~ Each Day

Help ~ When Needed

Receive ~ Graciously

Every Day of Your Life Can Be A New Beginning, How Wonderful is That?

Get Out There & Make It Happen!

Shine Your Light, and The World Will See & Be A Better Place!

You'll See!

John 20:21  So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, 

I also send you.”

I need to listen to my advice as well!  


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