Jan 20, 2013

Sunday Chicken Day Meet King

I would like for you to meet "King". 

He is a very large rooster a little over a year old.  He is a White Rock, and quite a character.  His name suits him well. He has three White Rock Hens and four Tetra Tints in his pen.  The White Rocks lay light beige to tan very large eggs.  The Tetra Tints are a Tractor Supply Chick that is a mixture of a Rhode Island or New Hampshire Red and a White Leghorn Hen.  They lay eggs that are smaller than the White Rock's but theirs vary in color from Tan, White, to polka dotted. The White Rocks and the Tetra Tints lay lots of eggs.

Check it out, walk in the pen and a rooster will inevitably crow! You can see the Tetra Tint Hen on the right.  She has tiny tint from the RI or NH Red hen and mostly white from her Leghorn Breeding. We had never heard of this breed so we gave it a try.

 Isn't he a beauty? There behind the water holder is one of his White Rock Hens.

 You can see the difference in the hen colors the beautiful pure white are of course the White Rocks
You can see the difference in the hens the two Tetra Tints are standing in the front. They are a smaller breed of chicken than the Rocks.

He is more subdued yet acts very regal.

They are a very sweet, large breed of chicken. You can see these chickens at night they are such a pure white they almost shine in the dark.

One more time let's see that crow

Hope you enjoyed the Sunday Chicken Day and have a great week.
May God bless you all.


  1. Your roosters are so pretty...they look so clean. ..

    1. Thank you Marissa for such a nice compliment, because I thought after I had taken the picture that I should have at least rakes the pen....Glad you came by today and hope you have a great week ahead!

  2. Quite the handsome fellow ! We had Road Island Reds and Banties on our farm . Chickens have quite the character about them ! Thanks for sharing your newbies with us ! Have a good day !

    1. Hi Country Gal,
      Always good to hear from you. My Grandmama's always had the Road Island Reds and little Banties....too...I want more banties they are so cute...Thank you for coming over today and Hope your have a wonderful week!

  3. Cute chickens. One day when I have a place to have chickens and such, I will be back to read your entire blog, until then I enjoy your stories.

    1. Hi Ann Marie,
      It is so good of you to stop by and leave a comment! I hope one day you are able to have chickens but if not I know you have lots of other things you enjoy! Please come back anytime and thank you so much!

  4. I am so sorry it has been so long since I have been by for a visit! I switched computers and lost many of my favorite blog links!

    King is gorgeous and very regal to be sure. I have a fantasy that one day I will live somewhere that I can have a chicken coop!

    1. Hi Bella Michelle! It is so good to hear from you! I am so glad you found me again and I am going to put your link where I can find you my local friend!

  5. What a pretty bird! Ours are not nearly as clean as yours. They like to stand in their water, make holes and lay in the dirt, dig in straw, etc. Sort of like my granddaughter! LOL

  6. The King is a handsome fellow! I have never had a White Rock, but they are lovely. I have a Dominicker and Americauna mixed rooster. He is 2 1/2 years old and was hatched and raised here. He does a good job of taking care of his girls, and has not been overly aggressive towards me - yet........ Probably shouldn't have written that becuase the next time I go out there he will go after me!!

    1. Thanks Melanie! My Mama's favorite chicken was a Dominicker and I have always wanted one. They are a hard breed to find around here. I'll bet your rooster is beautiful and would love to see a picture of him. He will probably always be a good rooster, Goodness knows I have my share of roosters because I don't have the heart to get rid of any and they all are pretty well behaved.

  7. Such pretty girls. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick


    1. Thanks Kathy! I love your blog and will certainly be back to your Clever Chicks Blog Hop!

  8. He is absolutely GORGEOUS! (Stopping by from the Clever Chicks Hop.)

    1. Thank you so much Joan! I'm so glad you did stop by think I will pay you a visit now!

  9. Wow, what a beauty! His white feathers are immaculate and his comb and wattles are such a deep red! I bet all the ladies love him :)

    I've never heard of Tetra Tints before. Cool!

    1. Thanks! I had never heard of the Tetra Tints either and don't know if I would buy more. They do lay great though and of the 6 one of them is broody and has hatched out two sets of eggs They are sweet mannered too...well I might buy or hatch more who knows...

  10. Wow he is a beaut!! What amazes me is how white they stay living in the dirt. Just gorgeous!!

    1. Hi Elaine! Thank you. It amazes me too how this white breed stays so clean. I have to confess that some of my chickens well a certain few are just plain dirty looking all of the time, funny how that is...so good to hear from you!
