Jun 5, 2013

Hibiscus House Roses

Years ago my sister gave me a little rose. She had the rose draping on her fence and it was just breathtaking. 
I have been blessed to have carried rooted pieces of that same rose since 1989 to three more homes.

Aren't these just beautiful? 
I still love hybrid teas with their long stemmed beauty, 
but have also learned to love the simpler, easier care roses.

There is a Mockingbird nest in this corner section.

The entire fenced in area was loaded with tons of blooms, and
it honestly took my breathe away looking at them. 

Porch has to be painted and rocking chairs scrubbed.  I just love this time of year.

I like the lion fountain

I hope you enjoyed your little tour of the roses in the side garden of Hibiscus House. I called this a Fairy Rose but was mistaken, Paul Zimmerman has told me this looks to be the Climbing Iceberg Rose.

It seems that I must have taken over a hundred pictures but can't show them all. I just received a few David Austin English Roses from Heirloom Roses and am excited to see them grow.  It has been fun designing and imagining how they will look when blooming.

I also bought some new hydrangeas and small boxwoods.  Can't wait to put them in the ground.  In the little fruit orchard I put in two fig trees, three grapevines, 10 raspberry plants.  The strawberry plants are growing like wildfire and blooming up a storm. It is going to be a busy and exciting gardening time here.


  1. Gorgeous. A pure white rose. I have to pin this post. Just stunning.

  2. Dolly, your white roses are stunning! I will have to drive by and see them in person. Is it possible to take some cuttings from these roses? I have never rooted roses but I would love to have some of these! I have been wanting to try some David Austin roses, too.

  3. WOWZA I can only imagine how spectacular it must be to see all this beauty in person... Simply Gorgeous! hugs, Cherry

  4. Hi Dolly - that is absolutely breathtaking - looks like something out of a magazine. The fairy roses have always been one of my favourites and I used to have pink ones draped on a picket fence at another house - never as spectacular as yours though.

    Love the one David Austin rose that I have - it's blooms are so full and "blowsy" - you know, they just are bursting with petals.

  5. Beautiful!! Oh how beautiful!

    I'm thinking about making your chocolate pound cake to take to bunco tonight. Would you recommend it for a crowd?

  6. What an amazing display of white roses!! It looks so cool and fresh on a hot day. I've never taken rose cuttings either and wonder if they are easy to start ... if you've taken these roses to three different homes, you must be an expert :) Thanks for sharing all these photos, I would've had a hard time putting down the camera too! Wendy (followed you over from Garden Party)

  7. Perfect song for your beautiful flowers!!! *Cynthia

  8. Dolly,
    Where do I start? first of all I LOVE THE ROSES!!!!!!!
    They look stunning around the fence..
    2nd... where can I find them?
    and 3rd.. do they grow in zone? are these the knock out roses?
    You have motivated me to plant roses I cant wait to show my husband...
    Xoxo Marissa.

  9. All I can say is WOW WOW WOW, what beautiful white roses over that fence!

  10. Your white roses are gorgeous, and so many together make an awesome display. I don't think just one or two photos of these would have done them justice. Thanks for sharing, I'm visiting from Fishtail Cottage.

  11. Oh my gosh, those are probably the most gorgeous roses I've ever seen! And so thick, too! I am a big fan of white roses (anything other than red, really) so I adore these. I am just in awe of them, Dolly! So beautiful!

  12. What a magnificent mass of gorgeous roses! I don't think I've ever seen so many pouring over a fence.

  13. Wow. That's all that I can say.

  14. Dolly,
    What a spectacular view of beauty. So pretty, I would take many many pictures too! Thank you for sharing them!

  15. Wonderful, Dolly. Thanks for showing me round! Best love from the UK!

  16. oh my - what a gorgeous white blooms of your roses on your white picket fence - you make me want to start over with just white! lol

    Thank you for sharing over here at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! love it! xoxo, tracie

  17. Wow!! Those roses are amazing!! Love your photos!

  18. I don't see many white roses, absolutely beautiful!

  19. Your roses are gorgeous Dolly! Something to definitely be proud of for sure! I've been pinning them, they are so pretty =]

    Have a wonderful week, my sweet friend~

  20. Oh my gosh Dolly! Your white roses are amazing... Took my breath away too! I think I need some of those iceberg roses too! You've inspired me to try some along my new section of picket fence!!!
    I can smell them from here... Oh, do they have a fragrance?

  21. Simply wonderful rose display!! If these have a fragrance than they probably are Iceberg a truly great and easy to grow rose. If no fragrance than probably a Fairy rose also a great rose but alas no sweet smell.

  22. I would like to say that it is such a joy to receive comments and thanks to all of you and your wonderful comments. I have personally answered all but if I have mistakenly left you out, please let me know.

    The roses do have a light fragrance and hubby loved it when he would come home. He said it smelled really good in the rose garden.

    I would tell anyone that asks if you like a carefree rose that roots easily when a limb is laid down and soil place over this is the one and in no time you can fill a hedge row or fence full of fantastic blooms.


  23. I have never seen so many flowers-it is quite amazing and so very pretty!

    Thank you for linking up to Say G’Day Saturday. This weekend’s party has just started so I hope you can join in again!

    Best wishes for a great weekend,
    Natasha in Oz
