Mar 17, 2023

What The Heck Is Pantry Porn?

A friend shared a news article on the subject.  I've been busy this is the first I'd heard of this lunacy

Fox News article: Loyola professor claims organized pantries are rooted in 'racist and sexist social structures'.

Evidently, The New York Post among others has an article about the Chicago professor from Loyola who dubbed it with the name. 

Even the Gwinnett Daily Post has this to say on the subject.  It seems that 'A place for everything and everything in its place' hits some in the wrong way!

They all seem to be saying the same thing in little different ways. Be a slob?  I guess they want to focus on less is best because as we who shop know: Prices are out of this world! Maybe it's a precursor to the no food on the pantry shelf look Reality!

One may ask *Why am I even giving this stupidity the time of day?

Fox News I love the picture, not the claims

Why would anyone dubb this with such an awful name in the first place? Search the words Chicago professor Pantry Porn (stay away from  xxx sites not sending you to those) you will find it full of this topic and frontline news!  My take on this is "Why is this front-page news?"  What happened to news that actually was news? 
In one of the articles, Drenton says that pantry porn found its footing during COVID-19. I say that is purely false.  We, bloggers, have been into organizing our homes including pantries for years and years. She needs to wake up and realize this herself! She also says 85% of new homebuyers say one of the most desirable features is a walk-in pantry. She says social influencers are responsible for the pantry a modern-day status symbol! I call that statement ridiculous! How in this world does this professor think that this is something new and a status symbol?

Give me a break!  My grandparents all had walk-in pantries back in the day. They were filled to the brim even in depression times. They were proud of course they were.  I call that self -sufficiency, being prepared, feeding your family. My grandparents were farmers and worked hard to store food for themselves and others. 

The only new thing is the status symbol she put on the topic! I mean in this day and time a full pantry is something to be proud of! No symbolism sheer fact in this economy!

I've read several articles and it seems this professor has stirred up fake controversy (my personal opinion) and labeled it in this manner. I guess it's time for someone to make up more labels for hate, discontent, and anger.

I personally find it all pretty 'stupid'!  Yes, I do!  This minimalist (want to be me) who has way too much 'stuff' in her home and is trying to improve that for a leaner-cleaner look still says this is stupid!

As a former supervisor in a major department store, I had the pleasure of implementing a new innovative stock system! This system took teams to accomplish much in less time. I know for a fact that if we'd just thrown items into storage everything would have halted immediately!  

It seems that now white women are the subject of scorn for wanting a nice, organized home. I'm not promoting any of this just stating facts no matter how ridiculous they seem to be.

Nikki Boyd Facebook     

Nikki Boyd helped me become more organized! She is so talented in this area and I love her!  You can follow her today in fact on  Amazon Live. Check out her YouTubeIf she can help me I know she can help you! She doesn't fit the narrative of these news articles. 

My pantry is one of the few rooms that is organized and functions well for me!  I cook constantly it has to be organized.  

My response to this new labeling: It is trash put it in the trash and keep on organizing.  Life wouldn't function well without it! 

One may ask,  *why am I even giving this stupidity the time of day?  I had some free time. I'm waiting on our frost warnings to leave so I can plant my seedlings. I need to declutter more rooms! Notice I said 'need to' but the weekend is upon us with lots of fun things to do!

My Opinion:  Who Cares What You Say when it's totally ridiculous?

When all is going well someone will try to change that. Distraction is a way to do just that distract. What is behind this lunacy? I wonder...A new form of racism? That's what this appears to be. Perhaps a new form of control and bashing of others. Or, maybe propaganda to make us think less is best because America's pantries may become bare with our current economy. Who knows?

Don't let anything or anyone change you!  Not that we don't care for others. We should always care for others. They can share their opinions, and we can too. We don't have to agree with them.

In Closing
We all have a mind of our own and thankfully some of us use them!
Be your own person, it doesn't matter what others think or do
God gives us the freedom of choice, choose wisely
Live your life your way!
The Dolly Lady

Have a Great Weekend!

I'm going to a soccer game!
Proud of our boy!


  1. Sometimes I think the whole world has gone crazy!

    1. It does seem to be a bit for sure. Thank goodness there are good people still!
      Hang in there all will be fine. We know this.
