Dec 31, 2016

Top Ten Posts of 2016

2016 has been quite a year hasn't it?  I can't believe it is almost over.  Looking forward to the new year as I'm sure you are, but today I'm sharing the Top Ten Posts of 2016.

This gentleman is quite a character, people everywhere love him.
He can bring a ray of sunshine to anyone's day, and he does!

Paul Nelson

This post is near and dear to my heart!
Catie, my youngest and funniest girl got married.
She did it, as always, "Her Way"....quite the individual.
I have a new son, as well as an apron model, Doug.
It doesn't hurt that he sounds like Matthew McConaughey
I know he gets tired of others and myself asking him to say "Alright, Alright, Alright".


Oh my goodness, talk about cold chills this story did that to me and many others!
Friends that follow you know that the last two years have been filled with wonderful meetings, memories, and losses.
This is the story I never knew about my young father (daddy to me) and a war buddy, Mr. Jim, I was blessed to meet.
This WWII Shipwreck Account definitely touched my heart and others.

A Few Men of the 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion
"The Artillery to Darby's Rangers" and many more units.

WWII True Story: Sinking Ship, Leaky Life Vest, Two Men Hanging On! 

This post has been passed around for a few years and always stays in the top 10
I'll tell you if you are tired of chemically laden household products, homemade is the way to go!
Less chemicals, Less Cost, Convenient to make at home with ingredients always on hand!

Homemade Laundry Scent Booster

Laundry Scent Booster

Speaking of "Homemade", this is my have to have in our home product!
This cleans our laundry better than any manufactured product and saves me hundreds of dollars a year! (literally)!
Grab you some supplies and make some.
You'll be glad you did!

Heavy Duty Homemade Laundry Detergent/Soap

Heavy Duty Laundry Soap

Y'all know I love to garden and roses are a favorite of mine!
This particular variety of rose I had seen in one of Paul Smith's gardens.
It is a beauty! I knew this one had to be in our rose garden.
Heirloom Roses is the place to find an exceptional one!

Glamis Castle Rose

Glamis Castle English Rose

I look forward to Spring!
Everything will be turning green, birds will be singing, flowers blooming!
This post was such a fun one to do.
Gardening can be a simple way to use things you have on hand that shall we say no longer function as you would like!
Be creative and enjoy growing things in different kinds of recycled containers!

Homemade, Do It Yourself, Helpful Tips, Create Your Own, These are growing in leaps & bounds!
People are starting to do what some have done for centuries!
This product is another that I keep on hand,
( or did until Electrolux Dishwasher went on the blink last and I just let it stay there, but that's another story.)
It works very well, but you must add a rinse aid for proper cleaning
I do advise that you alternate about every 5-7 washes or so with a manufactured tab to keep them sparkling!
They do work, and save lots of money in the process!


This post has made the rounds this year.
There are some things you post that you know you do but don't think people care about because in your mind all do it.
That's not the case I've found and some tips need to be shared because we're not all alike.
So this little DIY must have been needed.


This is another surprise!
I guess others like Hydrangeas and want to keep them.
I didn't think this to be particularly important but chose to post anyway!
Another DIY, Do it Yourself, Process.

Well, isn't that an interesting array of topics?  The list surprised me for sure!  Varied but still some in common.  Heartfelt stories are always liked and it seems when you share them with your own heart it shows through, people know!  I want to thank each and every friend and follower for being here.  It does mean a lot!

Many of these were featured over at Hometalk.  If you aren't familiar with them pay them a visit for information on Home Decor, Construction, Renovation, Gardening, Crafting, DIYs, so many topics. A great big thank you to them as well.

Happy New Year to All!

* On a personal note I'd like to thank all who have been in prayer for my family and me.
We all suffer losses but with our Lord we get through them.


  1. Hey what a great idea! I remember many of these post!

    1. Hi Ginger Dawn!
      I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I think you probably do remember them. Thank you!

  2. It was a great year for you, Dolly. Congrats again on your daughter's wedding...and MY favorite was your connection with your dad's old service buddy. xo Diana

    1. Hi Diana,
      It was pretty good. I loved those too. xo Dolly

  3. happy new year!! :) great top 10!

    1. Hey Sandra,
      Happy New Year to you too! Thank you!!
