Jul 15, 2022

Finding Simple Ways To Save Money


These days of inflation make saving money more difficult and that is a fact. Do you find yourself counting your money? 

Is this a subject you've thought about?  I've always tried to save money by doing all I can on my own to accomplish that.  Lately, I've been thinking about slacking up on some of that hard work. Was going to relax more and enjoy retirement. Some of that is on the back burner for now. 

Don't give up we need to put on our thinking caps! Our economy may call for even more self-work (*note* new post thought maybe I need to figure out a new way to accomplish this without working so hard.) We can do it and we will have fun along the way.  

When you get older change is something that sometimes throws you for a loop.  The trick is not to let it throw you too far. Think, plan, conquer!  "After all tomorrow is another day!"

Today I'm sharing my thoughts on saving. Simple maybe even downright frugal ways to save without suffering too much I hope.  ðŸ˜Š

Granted it may take a little more work and energy on your part but the results may amaze you in time. Information is great to have, "forewarned is forearmed", as they say. 

original picture credit

Years ago on a family trip to a quaint Amish area in Pennsylvania, I found a precious pink piggy bank that favors this one but is made of glass. Talk about simple self-sufficient living.  I love how they live and that was one of a few wonderful trips there. I need to find my piggy.

I confess I am a 'Food Hoarder!'  I know if I work on that problem there will be lots of money saved.  Now to do just that. But will I?  I do believe that in times such as we are facing we do need to bring our food supplies up a little to sustainable levels in case items are hard to find.  Items that are shelf stable or can be preserved and stored for use.  Not hoarding levels Dolly!  But what you may need in case of emergencies. Use and store what you have keeping date/expiration times in mind so as not to throw away things.  That is a loss, not a saving. Let's see what we as individuals can do to help our home budgets.


Recipes Do you cook?  If not give it a try or at least do more of it.  The savings are tremendous!   I promise a meal made at home for you and the family is guaranteed money saving!   
*Many tips to help you can be found in the link above and the money-saving posts that can help you. I may be a food hoarder but you can do it within reason and have needed things at home. Having what you use most in stock will save you time and money even down to the fuel it would take to buy ingredients. So think plan and do.

Gardening Grow your own vegetables and fruits. Anyone with a little land or even a balcony in the sun can grow something to help. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing and eating the delicious results!  Guaranteed money savings
* Seeds have skyrocketed in price in the last two years so be more frugal when planting.  Buy from a reputable source and enjoy the harvests.

Backyard Animals  If you have room get some hens for farm fresh eggs. I know eggs in the past haven't been expensive but they are becoming very costly.  It's good to know that if nothing else you'll have them on hand for eating and cooking. Maybe not as money-saving as it once was due to feed costs but a guaranteed food source that may become even more important in these times.
*We now have to find ways to feed them more cost-effective with the increasing cost of feed.  I suggest finding a food they will eat and not become bored with.  Find efficient feeders such as Grandpas Feeders.  less waste more eaten money savings. No, I am not an affiliate of theirs but they work! 

Cleaning Savings!  Have you priced cleaning products lately?

Toilet Cleaner Only Two Ingredients Granted this is in a pinch for me but good to know if you need it.

Laundry Soap/Cleaners Make It Yourself!  For years now I've made my own.  The kids here now love the pods but have you priced those?  Make some of your own with very few ingredients and use in between if not constantly.  It will help in the budget believe me I know. 

Beauty And Fashion Saving Tips The girls laugh and I do too a very long post but has been viewed more times than I care to share...😊 Definitely been spammed a lot lol.

Homemade Body Products Great Saving Tips! I made and used my deodorant for years and need to make more now.  I've gotten lazy or otherwise occupied to make these. I am highly allergic in many ways and this was for me at least the way to go.


Simple Living How Hard Can It Be  I so enjoyed doing this post!

Lifestyle Choices and Saving Money Shared a lot in this one, (possibly too much) but hopefully some will be of help.

My Household Saving Tips For Saving Money  Yes, I got long-winded but take it from me years of experience can help someone new to these things.  Hey, it might even help someone experienced in these areas. I hope so.

Making Your Own What A Way To Go Miscellaneous posts on the subject

Household Saving Tips For Cleaning The Home  A compilation of many helpful tips and ideas

Catie's friend said this and Catie is funny quoting it, "Ain't nobody gonna stop me from stacking my chips!". She was talking about working and making money! I'm borrowing it and using it for this: "Ain't nobody including myself gonna stop me from saving/stacking my chips!"

2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.

Happy Savings!


  1. This is a timely and practical post. I couldn't believe the recent prices at restaurants and grocery stores. Luckily we live simply and debt-free. We did get a cost-of-living increase in our Social Security which is welcome. But I'm not worried or stressed about inflation. Starting as a teenager, I can remember recessions when my Mother would cry from worry. I've been through too many inflationary periods and economic downturns to count. 2 things I know: we'll be okay - and it's not just US. Inflation is worldwide affecting many countries due to the Ukrainian war (food & gasoline shortages) and the Covid pandemic (labor shortages and increase in product demand). Maybe the experience we elders have gained is a small comfort of old age. Just wish I didn't have all these aches!

    1. Hey Eileen, Good to hear from you! I know the prices make us gasp at times for sure. I too am glad for the cost-of-living. I am concerned for the younger who haven't been through as much and maybe have no clue. It is sad that your Mother was so worried and you saw that God bless her and the worry she must have been under. Thanks for the encouraging words! You've summed up so much in one comment.
      Oh yes, I wish the aches weren't there myself. To get up feeling good is a wonderful thing, remember when that was everyday? Oh well, we smile and carry on don't we? Have a great weekend sweet friend!
