Mar 9, 2021

It's That Time of Year! Who's Ready to Garden?


I need to get up get out and get something done!  Are you ready?  Are you gardening?  I know some that are.  Some like myself love to work with the soil and grow things.  A little gardening talk this morning.

Do you know where your garden tools are?

I've got my helpers boots and tools inside the little garden cabin
(now to clear the cobwebs and put my hands on them)

This was when Catie and I put in the newest strawberry patch
I may have to add more raised beds this year

My 'He Man'  that usually tills isn't able to do that yet.
(Reminds me thank you to all who have been in prayer for him!
He has done wonderfully through the surgery and is now healing.)

Always a way to work around something, right?
I'll figure it out!

I'm thinking of adding more raised beds

Raised beds do seem much easier than the Southern Traditional Row Gardening
Grandpa always had that type but he had a tractor and was farming anyway.
I still like the row planting when it comes to butter beans, green beans, corn and field peas
Okay okra, cucumbers most things but I'll try to adjust to whatever gardening type is added.

I'm so excited and can't wait to get my hands in the dirt!

Do you start seedlings inside?

I need to revisit the seed catalogs for more myself.
I like Burpee  and there are many more on Amazon and the websites themselves.
Heirloom seeds are great to have.

My Miracle-Gro Aerogardens are really growing lettuce for me!
I think I've just about made my family sick of hearing the words "Do you want a salad?"

I can't wait for things to start coming alive and blooming!

Note to self:  Plant more Daffodils
You can't go wrong with these ever.
These have been in bloom for over a month and are still going strong.

I am excited to see what this years Hydrangea blooms will look like these were from last year and as always a great floral display with them.

I did cut the dead out and trim the unruly ones sticking through the porch step railings.
This may be the year I severely cut them back and lose bloom next year because they grow so huge and take over the garden
It's a hard thing to do but unruly is unruly

I have much to do in this garden
Started in the fall but things took me out so will have to cut back severely soon which as we all know will take out many blooms.

The picket fence is still in need of repair
I was thinking around October that Hibiscus House really looked haunted or maybe even deserted!
Some brutal truth friends.

This past weekend I put out some of the pine straw that has partially decomposed
Clearing cleaning and thinking of a gardening plan for where it lay is now fairly clear of grass.
Hmmm a gardening blank slate.  How cool is that?

Off to do more yard work I go.

Happy Gardening as a master gardener friend used to say

1 comment:

  1. I would love to start a little garden with fresh cucumbers and squash. I haven't decided yet. I also may start a luffa garden again. That was a lot of fun and made a pretty vine.

